Thursday, June 6, 2002

Private 1-on-1 tutoring by Certified & Accredited Instructors, for K-12

We will accommodate you and your children's schedule.
We provide tutoring in your home for your convenience.

For rates, and to arrange to meet a tutor;
Call us at [646] (335 3664), or email us at []

Certified Teachers & College/University Professors$30 - $100 per hour
Graduate Students$20 - $70 per hour
College/University Graduates$15 - $50 per hour
College/University Students$10 - $40 per hour
High School Students
$5 - $40 per hour

Please fill out this 
short, one-page, 10-question form and we will contact you.

Questions: 1. Student's Name? 2. Age of student & Grade level & Gender? 3. Name of school? 4. Guardian/parent's name & phone number & email? 5. Languages spoken at home? 6. Home address or cross-streets? 7. Best time to call you? 8. What academic area(s)/subject(s) does your child need help? 9. Is there anything else you feel we should know about your child? 10. Preferred day and time for weekly tutoring sessions?
Benefits To Students Who Receive Our Tutoring
• Improves self esteem
• Improves attitude toward subject area
• Motivate self-paces and self-directed learning
• Provides intensive practice for students who need it
• Improves academic performance and personal growth
• Offers more individualized, systematic, structured learning experience
• Generates stronger effects than other individualized teaching strategies
• Provides grater congruence between teacher and learner, close role model

The Tutor’s Role
o Listens to problems
o Suggests a course of action
o Gives tutoring help as needed
o Helps students learn and help themselves

We design our tutoring to fit your child's learning style.
Have your child take this quick learning inventory (below) to find out their main learning style:

Learning Style Inventory
1. If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I:
(V) Watch someone show me how.
(A) Hear someone tell me how.
(K) Try to do it myself.

2. When I read, I often find that I:
(V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind's eye.
(A) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head.
(K) Fidget and try to "feel" the content.

3. When asked to give directions, I:
(V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or prefer to draw them.
(A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally.
(K) Have to point or move my body as I give them.

4. If unsure how to spell a word, I:
(V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right.
(A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right.
(K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right.

5. When I write, I:
(V) Am concerned how neat and well spaced my letters and words appear.
(A) Often say the letters and words to myself.
(K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the words or letters as I form them.

6. If I had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if I:
(V) Wrote them down.
(A) Said them over and over to myself.
(K) Moved around and used my fingers to name each item.

7. I prefer teachers who:
(V) Use the board or overhead projector while they lecture.
(A) Talk with a lot of expression.
(K) Use hands-on activities.

8. When trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when:
(V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room.
(A) There is a lot of noise in the room.
(K) I have to sit still for any length of time. .

9. When solving a problem, I:
(V) Write or draw diagrams to see it.
(A) Talk myself through it.
(K) Use my entire body or move objects to help me think.

10. When given written instructions on how to build something, I:
(V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together. .
(A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the parts together. .
(K) Try to put the parts together first and read later. .

11. To keep occupied while waiting, I:
(V) Look around, stare, or read.
(A) Talk or listen to others.
(K) Walk around, manupulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I sit.

12. If I had to verbally describe something to another person, I would:
(V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length.
(A) Go into great detail because I like to talk.
(K) Gesture and move around while talking.

13. If someone were verbally describing something to me, I would:
(V) Try to visualize what she was saying.
(A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself.
(K) Become bored if her description got too long and detailed.

14. When trying to recall names, I rememeber:
(V) Faces but forget names.
(A) Names, but forget faces.
(K) The situation that I met the person other than the person's name or face.

Scoring Instructions:
Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total below. The area with the highest number of respones is your primary mode of learning.

Visual / Auditory / Kinesthetic
V = _____ A = ______ K = ______

Our Tutoring Cycle
1. Greet and set climate 
2. Identify task 
3. Break task into parts 
4. Identify thought processes 
5. Set an agenda 
6. Address the task
7. Tutee summary of content 
8. Tutee summary of underlying process 
9. Confirmation 
10. What next? 
11. Arrange and plan next session 
12. Close and goodbye


Lower East Side Tutors, Inc.
